Away Scores

Since the Scottish Golf Union went "live" with the Central Database of Handicaps you will find that the majority of away scores you have will be automatically reported to your Home Club following any competition you play in.
However if there is any doubt that the score will not be reported and Cardross is your Home Club for handicap purposes, please e-mail the Match Secretary supplying the following information. This will allow your handicap to be kept up to date.

1. Name of Club where round played
2. Date of Competition
3.Competition Type : Stroke/Stableford/Par/Bogey/9 hole Stableford
4. Qualifier? Yes/No/Reduction only
5. Competition Name
6. Standard Scratch
7. Par
8. CSS
9. Gross Score
10. Stableford Adjusted Score (if app)
11. Points/ Par Score


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01.05.2024 10:37
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